Project #1: Back in White

This is what the inside of the church looked like when we moved in.  Everything was very beige and gold.  There was even bright gold trim on the beautiful church windows.  This bright yellow gold paint was a byproduct of a brief appearance our little church made on the show "Sell this House" in the 2000's.  So the first project was to brighten up the walls with a more traditional church interior color:  WHITE.  The gold trim on the windows will have to wait....more to come on that.


Its amazing how many different whites there are.  Really.  Go to a paint store and take a look...there a cool whites, warm whites, grey whites, blue whites....  We went on the cooler side with a blue white...called Snowflake.  And it made a HUGE difference.

The pump organ, which is original to the church, loved the white.  And so did we. 


In addition to the beige and gold walls, we had some sponge painting to cover.  Yes, you read that right.  Sponge.  Painting.  And this won't be the last you'll see of that.  Again, stay tuned.  This wall is just inside the front door, so technically at the rear of the church.  The steps to the basement are behind it.  It was a very satisfying paint job, because...well. you know.  Sponge paint.  See for yourself...